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We turn hard working people into employable software engineers.
Private and Public Sector Positions

Full Stack Java
Web Development

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Front End

What users see

HTML, CSS and javascript... primarily. Every website in existence boils down to these 3 languages.

Back End

The infamous "Processing..."

Databases, configs and so much more. There is no website to see, without a back end to serve it.

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In demand skills

There are plenty of reasons to learn to code, we focus on employability.

Industry Experts

We listen.

The landscape for software engineering is ever changing and we're here to help you navigate the land.

Please double check us. Ask your local hackers, makerspaces, IT friends. Companies and governments are always hiring java devs.

You'll be learning from people who are actively practicing what they're preaching. Professionally employed, doing this on the side to catch you up to speed and prepare you to hit the ground running!

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Google, Amazon, IBM,
Netflix, Uber, eBay,
Spotify, Nasa, Airbnb, the government,

All these organizations hire java devs, no degree required.

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